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Sri Aurobindo : la Mère des rêves, et autres poèmes


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CLIQUER  AUSSI SUR   SAVITRI lu par Mira Alfassa


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Déesse suprême, Mère du Rêve, quand tu te tiens à tes portes d'ivoire, 
quels sont donc ceux qui en bas vont vers les hommes dans tes visions qui s'attroupent, groupe sur groupe, en descendant la pente de la voie des ombres? 
Rêve après rêve, ils s'illuminent en éclair ayant encore autour d'eux la flamme des étoiles; 
des fantômes à ton côté flottent dans une obscurité où dansent les feux follets,
scintillent et clignent les étoiles et le météore errant étincelle; 
il y a des voix qui crient à leurs proches qui répliquent; voix douces, au coeur elles frappent et ravissent l'âme à l'écoute.

Que sont alors ces contrées et ces plages dorées et ces mers plus radieuses que ne peut imaginer la terre ?
Quels sont ceux qui cheminent au long des vagues pourpres courant vers la grève bordée de falaises de ton rivage de jaspe sous des cieux où couve le mystère, 
drapés dans un clair de lune qui n'est point de notre nuit ou baignés dans un soleil qui n'est point du jour ?
Et ceux-là qui arrivent roulant tes océans avec des voiles aux cordages non-faits de main d'homme et que pousse un vent non-terrestre ? 
Pourquoi s'unissent-ils dans une mystique ligne avec ceux des plages joignant les mains en d'étranges et majestueuses danses?

Toi, en haut des airs, une flamme à la chevelure, observant le tournoiement de tes merveilles,
tu maintiens la nuit sous ta loi antique, Mère divine, hyacinthine, par une ceinture de beauté défendue. 
Munie d'une épée de feu, attirant le désir, tu gardes ton sombre royaume, 
dans une douceur stellaire, avec la lune à tes pieds, tantôt cachée tantôt vue entre les nuages parmi la ténèbre et la traînée de tes tresses. 
A ceux-là seuls qu'élut ta fantaisie, Ô toi au coeur libre, il est donné de voir ta magie et de sentir tes caresses.

Ouvre la grille où tes enfants attendent dans leur monde d'une beauté inobscurcie.
Haut-trônant sur un nuage, victorieux et fier, j'ai aperçu Maghavan à cheval quand il est suivi des armées du vent; 
j'ai reçu du ciel mets à déguster et fruits de saveur immortelle; 
j'ai bu le vin des royaumes divins et ouï le change de la musique étrange d'une lyre que nos mains ne peuvent maîtriser; 
les portes se sont grand-ouvertes sur les salles de fête où résident les Dieux et les Apsaras dansent en leurs rondes de plus en plus rapides.

Car tu es celle que nous pouvons voir la première quand nous dépassons les bornes du mortel;
là aux portails des états du ciel tu as planté ta baguette enchantée oscillant au-dessus de la tête du Yogi. 
De toi viennent le rêve et les fantômes qui paraissent et les lumières fugitives qui nous abusent; 
à toi est l'ombre où les visions se forment; par tes mains précipitées des célestes contrées arrivent les âmes qui se réjouissent à jamais. 
Dans tes mondes-du-rêve nous passons ou regardons en ton miroir magique, puis au-delà de toi gravissons hors de l'Espace et du Temps vers le pic de la divine tentative.

(dans la prison d'Alipour)









In us is the thousandfold Spirit who is one,
An eternal thinker calm and great and wise,
A seer whose eye is an all-regarding sun,
A poet of the cosmic mysteries.

A critic Witness pieces everything
And binds the fragments in his brilliant sheaf;
A World-adventurer borne on Destiny’s wing
Gambles with death and triumph, joy and grief.

A king of greatness and a slave of love,
Host of the stars and guest in Nature’s inn,
A high spectator Spirit throned above,
A pawn of passion in the game divine,

One who has made in sport the suns and seas
Mirrors in our being his immense caprice.







There is a Silence greater than any known
To earth's dumb spirit, motionless in the soul
That has become Eternity's foothold,
Touched by the infinitudes for ever.

A Splendour is here, refused to the earthward sight,
That floods some deep flame-covered all-seeing eye;
Revealed it wakens when God's stillness
Heavens the ocean of moveless Nature.

A Power descends no Fate can perturb or vanquish,
Calmer than mountains, wider than marching waters,
A single might of luminous quiet
Tirelessly bearing the worlds and ages.

A Bliss surrounds with ecstasy everlasting,
An absolute high-seated immortal rapture
Possesses, sealing love to oneness
In the grasp of the All-beautiful, All-beloved.

He who from Time's dull motion escapes and thrills
Rapt thoughtless, worldless into the Eternal's breast,
Unrolls the form and sign of being,
Seated above in the omniscient Silence.

Although consenting here to a mortal body,
He is the Undying; limit and bond he knows not;
For him the aeons are a playground,
Life and its deeds are his splendid shadow.

Only to bring God's forces to waiting Nature,
To help with wide-winged Peace her tormented labour
And heal with joy her ancient sorrow,
Casting down light on the inconscient darkness,

He acts and lives. Vain things are mind's smaller motives
To one whose soul enjoys for its high possession
Infinity and the sempiternal
All is his guide and beloved and refuge.






At last I find a meaning of soul's birth
        Into this universe terrible and sweet,
I who have felt the hungry heart of earth
        Aspiring beyond heaven to Krishna's feet.

I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes,
        And heard the passion of the Lover's flute,
And known a deathless ecstasy's surprise
        And sorrow in my heart for ever mute.

Nearer and nearer now the music draws,
        Life shudders with a strange felicity;
All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
        Hoping her lord to touch, to clasp, to be. 

For this one moment lived the ages past;
The world now throbs fulfilled in me at last.




The little Ego



This puppet ego the World-Mother made,
This little profiteer of Nature's works,
Her trust in his life-tenancy betrayed,
Makes claim on claim, all debt to her he shirks.

Each movement of our life our ego fills;
Inwoven in each thread of being's weft,
When most we vaunt our selflessness it steals
A sordid part; no corner void is left.

One way lies free our heart and soul to give,
Our body and mind to Thee and every cell,
And stepped in Thy world-infinity to live.

Then lost in light, shall fade the ignoble spell.
Nature, of her rebellion quit, shall be
A breath of the Spirit's vast serenity.

26 and 29-9-1939



The Blue Bird



I am the bird of God in His blue;
Divinely high and clear
I sing the notes of the sweet and the true
For the god's and the seraph's ear.

I rise like a fire from the mortal's earth
Into a griefless sky
And drop in the suffering soil of his birth
Fire-seeds of ecstasy.

My pinions soar beyond Time and Space
Into unfading Light;
I bring the bliss of the Eternal's face
And the boon of the Spirit's sight.

I measure the worlds with my ruby eyes;
I have perched on Wisdom's tree
Thronged with the blossoms of Paradise
By the streams of Eternity.

Nothing is hid from my burning heart;
My mind is shoreless and still;
My song is rapture's mystic art,
My flight immortal will.




The Iron dictators



I looked for Thee alone, but met my glance
        The iron dreadful Four who rule our breath,
Masters of falsehood, Kings of ignorance,
        High sovereign Lords of suffering and death.

Whence came these formidable autarchies,
        From what inconscient blind Infinity, -
Cold propagandists of a million lies,
        Dictators of a world of agony?

Or was it Thou who bor'st the fourfold mask?
        Enveloping Thy timeless heart in Time,
Thou has bound the spirit to its cosmic task,
        To find Thee veiled in this tremendous mime.

Thou, only Thou, canst raise the invisible siege,
O Light, O deathless Joy, O rapturous Peace!






The electron on which forms and worlds are built,
Leaped into being, a particle of God.
A spark from the eternal Energy spilt,
It is the Infinite's blind minute abode.

In that small flaming chariot Shiva rides.
The One devised innumerably to be;
His oneness in invisible forms he hides,
Time's tiny temples of [or: to] eternity.

Atom and molecule in their unseen plan
Buttress an edifice of strange oneness,
Crystal and plant, insect and beast and man, -
Man on whom the World-Unity shall seize,

Widening his soul-spark to an epiphany
Of the timeless vastness of Infinity.







When in the heart of the valleys and hid by the roses
The sweet Love lies,
Has he wings to rise to his heavens or in the closes
Lives and dies?

On the peaks of the radiant mountains if we should meet him
Proud and free,
Will he not frown on the valleys? Would it befit him
Chained to be?

Will you then speak of the one as a slave and a wanton,
The other too bare?
But God is the only slave and the only monarch
We declare.

It is God who is Love and a boy and a slave for our passion
He was made to serve;
It is God who is free and proud and the limitless tyrant
Our souls deserve.

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